Jul 20, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow, I can not believe I last posted on May 31! How can I make it up to you? I'd invite you over for tea but it's like Hell outside, so we should all stay in our airconditioned pods for the time being!

All I can tell you is that Memorial Day hit and all Heck broke loose in the GruvE World.  Not in a bad way, just in an end of the school year/ summer's here/ let's renovate the house way... Yikes... I'll post more individually but here are some of the highlights of the last 2ish months

Father's Day - This entails not one but 2 weekends of Father related events as I invite my Dad to have a special day the week before FD, so Big Daddy can have a special day with just his girls

End of School - Field Day which was postponed twice then cancelled due to weather.

Eighth Grade Class Night - MiniMe's class served and cleared at this annual celebration it was one night  so why did it seem to take up so much of my time???

Final Exams - I didn't take them but again, where did my time go?

Splash into Summer - FINALLY the last day of school came - 10 days later than originally scheduled, what with unusual August hurricanes and October blizzards - On the last day of school, I loaded up the Subaru "Animal House" style with MiniMe's classmates and we headed home for a day of splashing. She has a tiny class - 19 kids so I wasn't over whelmed. I hired a lifeguard to guard their lives and they played a wild game of ... you won't believe it ... Duck, Duck, Goose. I kid you not.

2 days later, we left for our family vacation - 2 weeks of living by the sea. Fortunately, we have amazing, happy and wonderful new neighbors. Unfortunately, they celebrated the purchase of their new home with a complete renovation - just like the amazing, happy and wonderful new neighbors we have at home.  My vacation was filled with the same construction sounds as my life has been full of for a year.

We took 2 of MiniMe's friends with us.... wow.... teenage dynamics and spending time with other people's children.

4th of July - my favorite Holiday! Celebration of all that is good and wonderful - our country!  Also my 20th wedding anniversary. Where did the time go? WHERE??? We had a fun get together with friends old and new. It was a PERFECT DAY!

Home from vacation and MiniMe and I packed up (again) and took off for an Alaskan cruise with GrandMa for her annual "Grandma's Great Adventure". This is usually a trip for just GrandMa and MiniMe but this year, Auntie and GruvEmom decided we needed to be there! Our motto for the trip: "Social Selectivity is not an Anti Social behavior!"

Remind me to tell you about the Alaskan activities and shopping that I liked!

Why does Harry Styles wear a beanie?

Home from the cruise and 1 meeting with Project Manager for our Siding/windows/ insulation - more on that later, 1 appointment at the Orthodontist (yeesh - 2 more in August) 1 meetup with my Aunt to send GrandMa onto the next leg of her trip.

Monday the Contractors show up - It has come to my attention that I signed a contract with them that allows them to be at my house from 7 am to 7 pm 7 days a week - to replace the windows/ siding and insulation in My Old House. What was I thinking? Next time I'm buying a condo.

Books Read:"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children", "The Icing on the Cupcake", and "The Flight of Gemma Hardy".  Reviews on those eventually!

Ok, so I have to get to work, take the kid who has a cough to the Pediatrician because ofcourse we were in the North West for all of 10 seconds and now we find out that there is a huge outbreak of Whooping Cough up there.

Pray for me. Or light a candle. Or just give me an extra 6 hours in every day. I need a nap!

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